In this post, I’ll show a way to automatically validate links of your jekyll website with html-proofer (another Ruby Gem) and Github Action CI.

First, install html-proofer: add gem 'html-proofer to your Gemfile, then run bundle install.

Then, let’s build the website including drafts with the following command jekyll build --drafts.

And finally htmlproofer --log-level :debug ./_site will show you a detailled report of the link check.

html-proofer has another nice features, just type htmlproofer --help to see all of them.

Integration with Github

Let’s say we have a static website running with jekyll on a github page. We would like to automate the check of broken links. Here, we describe a way to do that with Github Action.

Github gives a tool to execute workflows right into github repositories. Under the hood, a Github Action runs within a Docker container, which is given a bunch of contexts from Github (environment variables, the repository, and more).

If don’t have yet configured a workflow, create a directory called .github/workflows at the root of your repository. Then create a yaml configuration file. I called mine checklinks.yaml, but it can be renamed as long as the extension remains correct.

Then copy and paste this, scroll down to see the explanation

name: CheckLinks
      - master
      - master

    name: Linux
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      fail-fast: false
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Ruby
        uses: actions/setup-ruby@v1
          ruby-version: 2.6.x
      - name: Setup Rubygems, Bundler, jekyll
        run: | 
          gem update --system --no-document
          gem update bundler --no-document
          gem install jekyll bundler
          bundle install
      - name: Build jekyll website with drafts
        run: bundle exec jekyll build --drafts
      - name: Check for broken links
        run: |
          bundle exec htmlproofer --log-level :debug ./_site &> links.log
        continue-on-error: true
      - name: Archive log links
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
          name: links-check.log
          path: links.log

Workflow configuration

For this specific task, one important thing is the workflow trigger. It launchs on push and pull_request on the master branch.

      - master
      - master

:clock1: you may want to run the task periodically rather than on push events. For that you can add a on.schedule configuration.

Dependencies setup

gem update --system --no-document # Update Rubygems
gem update bundler --no-document # Update Bundler
gem install jekyll bundler # Install jekyll bundler
bundle install # Bundle install

Build website and execute the check

bundle exec jekyll build --drafts
bundle exec htmlproofer --log-level :debug ./_site &> links.log

The first line builds the website including drafts. The second executes the check and logs it into a file.

:warning: You may prefix jekyll and html-proofer action with bundle exec, otherwise you may get some errors

You have already activated mercenary 0.4.0, but your Gemfile requires mercenary 0.3.6

Avoid stop on error

I had to set the parameter continue-on-error: true otherwise the step fails and stops the worflow. But there’s maybe a better way, perhaps with problem matchers ?


To keep the log accessible for further investigation, just upload it as an artifact.

- name: Archive log links
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
    name: links-check.log
    path: links.log
