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Context and Data

The Sabin Center for climate change law manages a database that compiles legal cases from around the world related to climate change litigation.

Created in 2011, the Global Climate Change Litigation Database records cases involving material issue of climate change law, policy, or science.

Currently, there are approximately 800 cases documented in the database. All the informations regarding the database can be located through this link.

In this post, my aim was to develop a rapid visualization tool for providing an overview of jurisdictions and their corresponding cases.

By clicking on a graph node (selecting a jurisdiction), you have the ability to filter the case’s datatable below. Tap on the Wheel Zoom icon located in the sidebar on the right-hand side of the chart to activate the zoom in and zoom out functionalities.

Wishing you a joyful legal exploration!

Apologies for not displaying all the country flags, working on it…

Interactive Graph

Climate Cases by jurisdiction from the Sabin Center